How will you prepare your LinkedIn profile for 2023? šŸ¦„

Tomer Zuker
3 min readJan 1, 2023

The LinkedIn profile page is our business card. Due to LinkedInā€™s dominance in the employment market, the content we add to our profile and its visibility have a decisive impact on our career opportunities.

So for 2023, here are 5 LinkedIn profile tips that will take you one step further in the new year:

  1. A great photo because itā€™s the most basic ā€“ whether we admit it or not, our profile picture plays a critical role in how others perceive us. Itā€™s not a matter of superficiality but a matter of evolution. Donā€™t try to fight it. Use a clear, professional image to show your incredible personality. If you have the option to contact a professional photographer, do so. The picture will serve you for several years and therefore it is a worthwhile investment.

2. Ge piwer of the Headline power ā€“ Alongside the profile picture, the header below our profile name (or its official name ā€“ Headline) also has a disproportionate effect on the effectiveness of our profile. The Headline is like the appetizer served at the beginning of a fine meal. You want to whet your profile appetite and curiosity and get them to scroll down and get to know you better. Give it some thought and fine-tune the title according to your professional aspirations and goals in 2023.

3. Donā€™t be shy! ā€“ If the Headline is the appetizer then the Experience and Skills sections are the main course. These are the fields where you can show your experience, professional abilities and unique skills. Donā€™t be afraid to highlight notable achievements. This is exactly the time and place.

4. New Year, new friends? ā€“ LinkedIn is like a huge networking event, only a little less embarrassing (for the sake of the introverts among us). LinkedIn is first and foremost a social network and a high-quality and meaningful network of connections is an asset. As 2023 begins, think: Who would you like to connect with this year? Who can give you value? Who can you give value to? Are there any Cinnections that are no longer relevant to you?

5. Keywords are key ā€“ and if Iā€™ve already mentioned the first course and the main course, itā€™s time to talk about spicesā€¦ And keywords are the spices that turn any dish into a winning dish. Keywords help other users find us more easily through search engines. How would you like to be found in 2023? What are the professional terms that you would like to associate with your professional persona? If your profile looks exactly as it did 3 years ago, youā€™re probably missing outā€¦ Make sure that you use relevant keywords throughout your profile, especially in the following sections: About, Headline and Experience.

May we all have a successful, fruitful and exciting 2023! ā˜ŗļøšŸ„‚



Tomer Zuker

Marketing manager for global technology corporations, marketing mentor for early stage startups, public speaker for Marketing, Social selling, Partnership.